Recently I’ve been looking at how to configure EC2 autoscaling schedules for EKS implementations, specifically delivering these schedule configurations via Terraform. This sounds like it should be rather simple on the surface but after getting the initial configuration to work an issue of idempotency presents itself. In this post I want to look at the issues presented and how to overcome them.

Autoscaling Groups and Schedules
When an managed EKS Node Group is created via Terraform using the aws_eks_node_group resource, an autoscaling group is automatically created which contains the EC2 Instances which make up the Node Group in question, the ID of this Node Group is somewhat burried inside the state.
In the below configuration snippet, we are creating a node group named tinfoilnodegroup1:
resource "aws_eks_node_group" "tinfoilnodegroup1" { cluster_name = "tinfoilcluster1" node_group_name = "tinfoilnodegroup1" ... }
Our Autoscaling group ID can be returned as the below return value:
Configuring an Autoscaling Schedule
Now that we know the ID of the Autoscaling group, we can set up a schedule without any issue, the below configuration shows that the syntax is pretty painless:
#--Scale Down Node Group To Zero resource "aws_autoscaling_schedule" "tinfoilnodegroup1_scaledown" { scheduled_action_name = "tinfoilnodegroup1_scaledown" min_size = 0 max_size = 0 desired_capacity = 0 start_time = "2020-10-21T22:00:00Z" end_time = "2030-10-21T22:00:00Z" recurrence = "00 22 * * *" autoscaling_group_name = } #--Scale Node Group Back Up resource "aws_autoscaling_schedule" "tinfoilnodegroup1_scaleup" { scheduled_action_name = "tinfoilnodegroup1_scaleup" min_size = 2 max_size = 10 desired_capacity = 5 start_time = "2020-10-22T08:00:00Z" end_time = "2030-10-21T08:00:00Z" recurrence = "00 08 * * *" autoscaling_group_name = }
Critical here is the recurrence setting which uses the cron scheduling syntax (if you’re no good at working those out just do yourself a favour and use a favourite site of mine; which will visualise the cron schedules for you).
There’s a much bigger problem with this configuration however and that’s the previously mentioned problem of idempotency. We’re using a static timestamp for the start_time value, so whilst this will work for our initial configuration it is ill-suited to continuous delivery (which is really the aim of true Infrastructure as Code).
The second we try and run this again our timestamp will probably have passed, so we’ll get a nice warning telling us that our start time is in the past, which is something of a weakness to our configuration.
Making the Configuration Idempotent
We looked in a previous post around the use and manipulation of timestamps using Terraform’s built in timestamp functions and these can help us to overcome this particular problem by ensuring that when we run this configuration incrementally that the start date is always ahead of our current time:
#--Determine Scaling Times locals { now = timestamp() today = formatdate("YYYY-MM-DD", #--Format date to YYY-MM-DD scale_down = "${}T22:00:00Z" #--Suffix current day with specific scale down time scale_up = timeadd(local.scale_down, "10h") #--Add 10 hours to reach 0800 } #--Scale Down Node Group To Zero resource "aws_autoscaling_schedule" "tinfoilnodegroup1_scaledown" { scheduled_action_name = "tinfoilnodegroup1_scaledown" min_size = 0 max_size = 0 desired_capacity = 0 start_time = local.scale_down #--Timestamp configured in locals end_time = "2030-10-21T22:00:00Z" recurrence = "00 22 * * *" autoscaling_group_name = } #--Scale Node Group Back Up resource "aws_autoscaling_schedule" "tinfoilnodegroup1_scaleup" { scheduled_action_name = "tinfoilnodegroup1_scaleup" min_size = 2 max_size = 10 desired_capacity = 5 start_time = local.scale_up #--Timestamp configured in locals end_time = "2030-10-21T08:00:00Z" recurrence = "00 08 * * *" autoscaling_group_name = }
By using some manipulation of the timestamps, we can ensure that our times for scaling up and down will always be ahead of our execution.