At the end of last year I wrote about some basic methods for debugging networking issues inside a Kubernetes Cluster. In that article we very briefly mentioned a then-alpha feature (with a complicated sounding name) called Ephemeral Debug Containers first introduced back in Kubernetes v1.16.
This looks to be the real future of debugging in Kubernetes and as of v1.20 it’s finally in beta. This great feature really strengthens a lot of the issues we have with out current toolset for debugging, but on managed platforms which are really my wheelhouse it’s still a mysteriously lacking feature. None the less, let’s look at how we can use it in development environments.
Use Cases and The Old Fashioned Way
So we’re going to work with a simple single node microk8s development environment, deployed to the cluster is a simple deployment of Prometheus (deployed using Prometheus-Operator) in the Default Namespace. The application isn’t so important we’re just going to use it as an example.
Let’s have a quick look at the Pods and grab the name of a running Container inside one of them:
microk8s kubectl get pods # NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS # prometheus-node-exporter-z8fpq 1/1 Running 0 # prometheus-kube-state-metrics-bbd98b855-tm8bm 1/1 Running 0 # prometheus-prometheus-oper-operator-7c98ddcd74-c2mrb 1/1 Running 0 # alertmanager-prometheus-prometheus-oper-alertmanager-0 2/2 Running 0 # prometheus-prometheus-prometheus-oper-prometheus-0 3/3 Running 0 microk8s kubectl get pods prometheus-kube-state-metrics-bbd98b855-tm8bm -o jsonpath='{.spec.containers[*].name}' # kube-state-metrics
Now how are we going to get inside one of these to do some debugging? Traditionally we’d use some form of kubectl exec to send arbitrary commands in to a container which is running a shell (which can get pretty sketchy, and it’s not really viable on a production system), or we end up trying to work inside an adjacent pod which isn’t ideal, so let’s try out a better option.
Debug Containers – First We Need To Enable
Even in microk8s we will need to enable the Kubernetes Feature Gate in the kube api-server before we can use it, this is the case for all Experimental features until they become stable. We’ll need to stop the service, edit the config file and then start up the service again:
#--Stop microk8s microk8s stop # Run service command "stop" for services ["daemon-apiserver" "daemon-apiserver-kicker" "daemon-cluster-agent" "daemon-containerd" "daemon-control-plane-kicker" "daemon-controller-manager" "daem… # Stopped. #--Edit the Kube api-server config file sudo nano /var/snap/microk8s/current/args/kube-apiserver
To this file, we need to edit the –FeatureGates argument and add the EphemeralContainers Key=Value pair, set to true:
... --feature-gates=RemoveSelfLink=false,EphemeralContainers=true ...
Save the file with CTRL + O and start microk8s again:
#--Start microk8s microk8s start # Run service command "start" for services ["daemon-apiserver" "daemon-apiserver-kicker" "daemon-cluster-agent" "daemon-containerd" "daemon-control-plane-kicker" "daemon-controller-manager" "daem… # Started.
Debug Containers To The Rescue
A Debug Container is created as a Sidecar within an existing Pod. For our purposes we’re going to work with busybox, always a favourite toolkit troubleshooting.
We get a few great advantages using this method:
- The network topology inside a Pod is completely flat, meaning that once we’re running inside we can capture whatever traffic we like if we need to do network troubleshooting, This is especially helpful if we’re using a Service Mesh such as Istio and we need to capture traffic between an application Container and it’s Sidecar Proxy.
- Since we’re going to be inside a standalone Container and know that it’s going to be destroyed at the end of it’s use, we can use it with a lot less worry than our previous shaky choices for debugging.
- Most importantly, we can perform advanced troubleshooting against distroless images (which are getting more and more popular), our previous options with exec do not offer us this ability and need the presence of a shell.
To deploy a Debug Container we simply need to:
#--Inject a busybox container inside the prometheus-kube-state-metrics-bbd98b855-tm8bm Pod targeted at the kube-state-metrics Container microk8s kubectl debug -it prometheus-kube-state-metrics-bbd98b855-tm8bm --image=busybox --target=kube-state-metrics # Defaulting debug container name to debugger-kwjf4 # If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter. root:/#
This drops us in to an interactive shell where we can perform all of our usual tasks with busybox.
Cloning A Running Pod and Add a Debug Container
In the last post on debugging Kubernetes we looked at a very sketchy method of debugging by using exec to enter a running container and then installing packages in to it on the fly. This is a very worrying proposition and could wreak all kinds of havoc. Debug offer us a better solution in the form of cloning a running Pod and including a Debug container running inside the new Pod.
Let’s take a look at this in practice, we’ll work again with our prometheus-kube-state-metrics Pod:
microk8s kubectl debug prometheus-kube-state-metrics-bbd98b855-tm8bm -it --image=busybox --share-processes --copy-to=debug-pod # Defaulting debug container name to debugger-s8jqd. root:/#
This will drop us in to our Busybox shell in our new Pod named debug-pod. Let’s take a closer look:
#--Confirm Running Debug Pod microk8s kubectl get pod debug-pod # NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS # debug-pod 2/2 Ready 0 microk8s kubectl describe pod debug-pod # ... # Ephemeral Containers: # debugger-s8jqd: # Image: busybox # Port: <none> # Host Port: <none> # Environment: <none> # Mounts: <none> # ...
So You’re Using A Managed Kubernetes Platform
Well it looks like you’re probably out of luck, and so am I since I spend most of my time in EKS. looking at the big 3 players (GKE, EKS and AKS) it’s not turned on in GKE or EKS with no way to get it to turn on and at the time of writing AKS isn’t offering Kubernetes 1.20.
As using this functionality requires enabling a Feature Gate on the kube api-server (itself part of the Control Plane) and the Control Plane is fully managed, we don’t really have a way to turn it on.
Statements on enabling Feature Gates and functions still in Alpha and Beta are either vague, misleading or outright wrong, often stating that you can ask for support but with no explanation of who to ask, sometimes that beta features are always enabled (but it turns out they aren’t if they’re behind Feature Gates) and in the case of EKS stating that the feature is present when the Feature Gate is still not enabled (if anyone has gotten this working I’d love to hear about it). I suspect this will be a case of getting it when it’s in GA and not before:
Features in public preview are fall under ‘best effort’ support as these features are in preview and not meant for production and are supported by the AKS technical support teams during business hours only.
The following Kubernetes features are now supported in Kubernetes 1.20 Amazon EKS clusters:…
…kubectl debug has reached beta status. kubectl debug provides support for common debugging workflows directly from kubectl.
Beta features are enabled by default and can be disabled by GKE for a particular version. In some cases, GKE may have disabled a beta feature for a specific GKE control plane version. Contact Cloud Customer Care for assistance in verifying if the beta feature is enabled on that GKE control plane version.
For certaintly, I tested this on both GKE and EKS using their latest release platforms (this means using the Rapid release channel in GKE) and if we take a look at the current flags enabled on the kube api-server we unfortunatley see nothing is enabled:
#--GKE v1.21 (Rapid Channel, Kubernetes 1.21.1) #--Dumping the cluster-info and seraching for the EphemeralContainers flag gets us nothing kubectl cluster-info dump | grep EphemeralContainers #--Attempt to spawn a debug container kubectl debug -it prometheus-kube-state-metrics-1cd57c819-zv1lp --image=busybox --target=kube-state-metrics # error: ephemeral containers are disabled for this cluster (error from server: "the server could not find the requested resource").
#--EKS v1.20 (k8s 1.20.4) kubectl cluster-info dump | grep feature-gate #--Attempt to spawn a debug container kubectl debug -it prometheus-kube-state-metrics-ba337a199-js82l --image=busybox --target=kube-state-metrics # error: ephemeral containers are disabled for this cluster (error from server: "the server could not find the requested resource").
So I guess we’re waiting for that one!