In a previous post we looked at a method to use Terraform’s output function to export return data and load it in to an external YAML file for consumption by Ansible. While this is a useful function it’s a little topheavy, and if we just want to pass data in to another Terraform configuration in order to run an apply operation, we have a means to work a lot more efficiently using a data source built in to Terraform named remote_state.
State Files, A quick refresher
State files are used by Terraform’s in order to maintain it’s “source of truth” on the current state of the configuration that it’s responsible for. This serves three main functions:
- Ensuring that any resources that you try to add, remove or change are consistent as they will be checked against what is currently held in the State File before any action is taken
- Ensuring that any manual changes to the environment can be removed automatically by comparing it to the State File, removing configuration drift and enforcing immutability
- Ensuring that an entire environment can be fully re-provisioned in a consistent state with minimal human interaction
State Files are stored as JSON files and generated on a terraform apply operation. The can be recorded in an incredibly wide number of Terraform storage backends. By default if no backend is defined in your HCL code then terraform will locally save your state file in your working directory.
As you don’t really want you save your states in source control (due to them saving credentials in plain text), we want to save them in a centrally available and secure location. In the example below I’m using an AWS S3 storage backend configured at the top of my file: terraform { backend "s3" { bucket = "tinfoilbucket" #--Name of the S3 bucket you're savhing to key = "tinfoilnetwork.tfstate" #--Name of your state file region = "eu-west-1" #--Optional region } }
In order for the above to work, we will need an appropriately permissioned AWS provider which has access to the S3 bucket we’re using.
Remote States – Looking Up Data
In a lot of videos and forum posts, the function of Remote States is often misunderstood as simply declaring a remote storage backend, a Remote State however allows us to load the state file from a previous configuration, use it to lookup values that we know to be held within and then use them as variables in another configuration. This allows either yourself or other teams to consume information about your configuration programmatically and without complex templating.
The easiest way to achieve this is with use of the Output command in your source configuration, the below diagram looks at this process in a high level:
A couple of things to understand finally about Remote States:
- The remote_state Data Source is a read only source, using this is totally safe and presents no risk to overwriting data on the state
- remote_state does not affect your storage backend, this should still be defined, however each configuration should, obviously, have a unique name
- If your State File is going to be used by a large team and run the risk of being used to read data while it’s also being written to, a DynamoDB locking table should also be employed to enable State Locking, see here for details on this configuration.
Remote States – A Practical Example
Lets say you have a team responsible for provisioning your networks, but you need to consume network in a digestible format for use in Terraform, we’ll assume that the team creating the networks are also creating with Terraform and giving your access to their state files, our Network state file is going to be the example shown earlier, meaning our state file is going to be named tinfoilnetwork.tfstate and located in a bucket named tinfoilbucket.
So we have an idea of the data that we’re trying to look up, let’s have a look at a sample terraform file that our Network team might use and add a couple of Outputs to make life easier: # Provision Network Resources resource "aws_vpc" "tinfoil" { cidr_block = "" instance_tenancy = "dedicated" } resource "aws_internet_gateway" "tinfoil" { vpc_id = } resource "aws_route_table" "tinfoil" { vpc_id = route { cidr_block = "" gateway_id = } } resource "aws_main_route_table_association" "tinfoil" { vpc_id = route_table_id = } resource "aws_subnet" "tinfoil" { vpc_id = cidr_block = "" } # Output Values output "tinfoil_vpc_id" { value = } output "tinfoil_subnet_id" { value = }
At the bottom of the file we see that we’re creating 2 output values, these will make our life a lot easier in Remote State lookup.
Let’s assume we’re a team outside of the Network team, but we need to know the ID’s of the VPC and Subnet once they’ve been created so we can use them when we provision new resources, this is a common scenario which can be easily looked up using the terraform_remote_state data source, let’s take a look below at and example of consuming that data in a new configuration where we want to create an EC2 instance and associated security group:
data "terraform_remote_state" "tinfoilnetwork" { backend = "s3" config = { bucket = "tinfoilbucket" key = "tinfoilnetwork.tfstate" region = "eu-west-1" } } data "aws_ami" "tinfoil" { most_recent = true filter { name = "name" values = ["ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-xenial-16.04-amd64-server-*"] } filter { name = "virtualization-type" values = ["hvm"] } owners = ["099720109477"] # Canonical } resource "aws_security_group" "tinfoil" { name = "tinfoilgroup-ssh" description = "Allow SSH inbound traffic" vpc_id = data.terraform_remote_state.tinfoilnetwork.outputs.tinfoil_vpc_id ingress { description = "SSH to Host from Home" from_port = 22 to_port = 22 protocol = "tcp" cidr_blocks = var.egress_cidr_blocks } } resource "aws_key_pair" "tinfoil" { key_name = "tinfoil-key" public_key = var.public_key } resource "aws_instance" "tinfoil" { ami = instance_type = "t2.micro" subnet_id = data.terraform_remote_state.tinfoilnetwork.outputs.tinfoil_subnet_id count = 2 key_name = aws_key_pair.tinfoil.key_name }
A couple of key values to be aware of here are:
- Lines 1-8: The tinfoilnetwork.tfstate State File is being called using the terraform_remote_state Data Source whilst this exposes all root level modules, it is easier to work with Outputs.
- Line 26: The VPC ID is being looked up from the remote state and used as an input variable
- Line 44: The Subnet ID is being looked up from the remote state and used as an input variable
Using the flexibility afforded to us by Remote States allows teams to work much more flexibly and critically allows for much more fluid automation and CI/CD pipelines to be executed on a much wider scale.