UPDATED 11/2020: Have a look at a different method for this configuration better suited to CI/CD. In a previous post we looked at how to use Terraform provision and authenticate with Clusters using AWS’ Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) using the somewhat unique authentication method of it’s webhook token method leveraging aws-iam-authenticator. Once we get past that point however we still have another permission hurdle to overcome, specifically how we handle . . .
NOTE: The sample code used here is hosted in my GitHub here. Recently I’ve been getting my hands dirtier and dirtier with Kubernetes but there’s some interesting oddities that only occur in Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), the AWS PaaS Kubernetes platform, especially when it comes to how you can authenticate. As Kubernetes is strongly driven by a declarative (and by extension Infrastructure as Code) philosophy, it makes perfect sense that . . .
Google Cloud Platform tends to be forgotten from the conversation a lot when talking about public cloud offerings, however their hosted Kubernetes offering GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine) has for me been the best of the major offerings for getting to grips with the platform and the best reason to use GCP at all. Without much issue we can get Terraform integrated with GCP, provision and scale out clusters as we . . .
Previously we looked at implementing a CI/CD pipeline using both Terraform and Ansible for provisioning and Configuration Management. In this deployment we relied on an official Python Docker image to build our Ansible environment, however this required a few steps that add a few top-heavy steps that could be solved by creating our own Docker image instead. The sample code for this post is in my GitHub here. Speeding up . . .
Previously we’ve discussed the deployment of Docker containers to Azure and managing Scale Out of instances but not the use of Docker directly. The terminology of Docker has become a little confused of late as containers become the new hot topic, for clarity Docker itself is an application that can be used to create, manage and orchestrate containers, and it’s the orchestration that we’re going to be looking at in . . .
If you’re anything like me, you probably spent years hearing about the wonders of containerisation and didn’t know where to start. Docker, Kubernetes, Swarm, ECS, App Services and Containers are thrown around as almost interchangeable terms and to the uninitiated it’s just another wall of terms that means nothing (spoiler: the terms aren’t interchangeable and Docker isn’t the only game in town, it’s just the most popular form of container). . . .