Recently I found myself working with AWS ECS (Elastic Container Service) to host a simple application and using using AWS Fargate as the underlying compute. This pairing bills itself as a simple means of deploying containers without the hassle of standing up and configuring your own servers. That’s an attractive offer but I quickly ran in to some issues when trying to deploy to private subnets. Like so many other . . .
If you’re trying your hand at implementing a CI pipeline with Github Actions and AWS you would be forgiven for finding yourself going in circles with some pretty confusing documentation when it comes to trying to get authentication working. Most of the examples and a lot of the blog posts out there tell you to just create an account, export the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key to environment . . .
A little while ago I migrated my UniFi Controller to Kubernetes, part of that process involved migrating my WPA2 Enterprise WiFi network in to the cluster. It’s quite an involved process and not one I’ve seen anyone try to do, so this post is going to look at how you can do that integration…as well as some of the reasons you might not want to do it in the real . . .
A while ago I wrote an article breaking down how to deploy Hashicorp Vault using NGINX as a reverse proxy. It has been a popular article but after it had been up for a couple of years I got some comments that my proposed method wasn’t recommended and that using an HTTP Reverse Proxy generally is insecure for a few reasons. I don’t like the idea of putting bad information . . .
I’ve talked a lot here about certificates and how to set up a PKI in the past, it’s a topic I enjoy a lot and seems to be generally loathed. I was pretty pleased to discover cert-manager, which is a Kubernetes application designed to automate the creation and lifecycle management of TLS certificates within a Kubernetes environment. Despite being such a popular system, it still seems to create quite a . . .
If you’ve ever worked with AWS in the real world you are probably very used to seeing IAM Users and Roles which are terrifyingly over-permissioned. In my experience it’s pretty common to find them in the wild with access to every attribute of a specific service or just as often the native AdministratorAccess Managed Policy assigned. The principle of least privilege is a concept that you often hear about a . . .
Without a doubt the topic that seems to confuse people the most when using Ansible Tower is working with Credentials. Especially how to pass multiple credentials from either an external Secret Management source (which we’ve looked at a few times here) or just defining some arbitrary set of credentials and using them in a template. I get emails about this topic from readers on a fairly regular basis and professionally . . .
A question that I’ve been approached about several times recently is how to lookup multiple Hashicorp Vault Secrets and assign them to a single Ansible Tower Credential for use in a Playbook. A while ago I looked at the process of integrating Hashicorp Vault with Ansible Tower (a less that perfect process in the first place) but this has repeatedly led to the same question about multiple Secrets, so in . . .
S3 seems to really rule the roost for cloud-based Object Storage and it’s not really a surprise given how flexible it is; often seeing use as hosting for static websites, storing bulk analytics or logs or providing the storage backend for applications amongst many other uses. As S3 content often needs to be presented to the public for anonymous access; the contents of a Bucket are not encrypted by default . . .
This article was going to be a look at how to configure IAM roles to work with EKS Service Accounts, however that topic is already well documented in the AWS docs right here. Whilst there’s nothing wrong with it in a technical sense, I can’t help find it a little clunky, using the AWS CLI and eksctl to get the job done. I’ve been pretty unattracted to eksctl (though it . . .