My home lab has been getting a bit long in the tooth recently. These days I work mostly with container platforms and Infrastructure as Code but those are mostly put to work inside the opaque walls of public cloud providers and not on bare metal (I.E. my own physical or virtual servers). When it comes to container platforms, Kubernetes is the one I spend most of my time with. Running . . .
Helm is an incredibly popular package manager for Kubernetes, however despite it’s incredibly widespread use there isn’t a huge amount of information or options out there for creating private repositories using Open Source platforms. Chartmuseum seeks to solve this problem by offering us just that. In this post I’m looking at how to deploy and bootstrap Chartmuseum on Ubuntu Linux 18.04, using a secure AWS S3 backend. Getting Started Chartmuseum . . .
Recently I’ve been looking AWS’ Elastic File Service platform, which allows for the provisioning of highly available PaaS storage which can accessed via NFS by multiple services at at very low cost. Whilst this is good, what’s even better is templating and automating the provisioning. In this post we’ll look at how to provision HA EFS storage using Terraform. What Do We Want? We have the option to create EFS . . .
I’ve encountered this issue a couple of times in the last couple of weeks and it’s one that it seems unless you know the inside lore of how Linux works the actual solution isn’t exactly obvious and you can easily lead you to a disaster that seems like it should work and can actually leave you without a bootable system. While the fix is technically documented the actual method is . . .